Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A.P. Literature and Awesomeness: October 1, 2014

Focus: How can we form thought-provoking questions for a strong discussion?

PLC: Shortened Class

Henry, usually the happiest person in America, was not so happy last night.  He has a raging ear infection and a fever of 103, so as much as I miss you all, I need to stay home and just be his mama today.  Please carry on as though I were there.

1. Warming up: Snap back to reality (there goes gravity) with some good question asking

I'm getting the sense from Socratic that some of you may feel more comfortable answering questions than asking them.  To help you figure out how to form strong questions, I'm offering you a little handout that I wish I had used in my Socratic seminars when I was in college.

Please read over both sides, and try using it with today's and tonight's reading.  It will be your ticket for our Socratic on Friday.

2. Reading Chapter 44 aloud together (it would be great to have different people reading different characters) and developing one or two Socratic questions using the sheet

3. Offering you time to continue reading and question-posing on your own to prepare for our final two Socratic seminars

1. Finish reading through Chapter 49 for Friday.  Your reading ticket?  How about questions?  How many?  How about 10-15 good Socratic seminar questions like the ones we tried today?

2. Get your hands on your independent reading book; you will want to start reading it on Monday of next week.

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