Thursday, March 19, 2015

A.P. Lit Strums the Eolian Harp: March 19, 2015

Focus: How do we approach a perfectly good poem or piece of prose laden with multiple choice interrogations?

1. Warming up by reading the poem aloud with our MMM approach:

a. What story do the images and verbs tell? Tone?

b. What story do the sentences tell?

c. How would you section this poem? What's the most important shift?

d. Let's sketch (as in actually draw) the central metaphor here. Who's the harp? Who's the breeze? What does it all mean??!!

2. Speed dating through the multiple choice questions

3. Trying a prose multiple choice passage

1. Assigned book club reading/syllabus for tomorrow.

2. Revisions of critical review essays.

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