Monday, December 1, 2014

A.P. Lit Is Breaking the Bank: December 1, 2014

Focus: Does the narrator succeed in destroying the Sambo bank?

1. Warming up with happy Monday thoughts!

2. Helping the narrator break open the Sambo bank

Revisit pages 319-321, and draw this scene, identifying as many symbolic elements as you can.  Strive to make connections back to the elements we've been charting since Chapter 1.

Revisit pages 327-330.  As he tries to throw the broken bank away, look closely at his interactions with other black people.

  • What stereotypes are revealed here?  How does this fit a larger pattern?
  • What does it mean that he can't get rid of these pieces?

3. Enjoying a rousing Socratic Seminar on Invisible Man, Chapters 17-20

4. Wrapping up

1. Please read through Chapter 23 for Wednesday and through the end of the novel for our final Socratic seminar on Friday.  Reading ticket possibilities:
  • 10 good questions/inferences
  • A mini metacognitive on an important little paragraph
  • Charting out patterns established in Chapter 1
  • Drawing a significant scene and identifying/explaining briefly at least five symbolic elements in that scene
2. Project people: Complete your proposals for tomorrow.  Stop by if you'd like to talk it out with me.

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