Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A.P. Literature and Shakespeareanness: October 22, 2014

Focus: What larger ideas do Shakespeare's little scenes represent?

1. Warming up with The Hollow Crown's version of Hal's speech and discussing revealing imagery, diction, sound devices, and metaphors (and, by the way, whom does he name as his foil?)

(Note to self: Prince Hal's soliloquy starts around 11:02)

How do Prince Hal's physical movements reflect shifts in his soliloquy?

2. Viewing Act 2 with a focus on the following:

(Note to self: Act 2 starts at 21:19, and 2.1 is skipped)

Why does Shakespeare offer us a personal conversation between Hotspur and his wife in 2.3?  What new view of Hotspur does it give us? What qualities do we see in him?

As you watch Prince Hal in the Tavern of Eastcheap, what do you notice about how people react to him?  What qualities does he have that might make him a good king one day?

Why might Shakespeare have included the role playing scene between Prince Hal and Falstaff?  What larger ideas might this scene evoke?

What words and phrases do you hear Falstaff repeat?  Why might this be?

What do you think Falstaff represents?  When Falstaff says, "Banish plump Jack, and banish all the world" (2.4.496), what do you think he means?

What directorial choices are you noticing that add to your understanding of the play?  (Symbolic objects, colors, costumes, casting, movements, etc.)

3. Wrapping up with thoughts and questions

1. You have less than one week remaining to finish reading your independent reading novel. Remember that you're looking for one concrete motif to follow throughout the novel.  

2. If you choose to revise your college essay, you must do so by November 7.  Attach your new draft to the original one with my comments; highlight all changes on your new draft and type of brief explanation of what you changed and why.

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