Monday, October 27, 2014

A.P. Literature and Shakespeareanness: October 27, 2014

Focus: How can we better understand Henry IV by preparing a performance?

1. Warming up with happy, happy Monday

2. Offering you some thoughts on how to start writing an essay on your independent reading book

Click HERE for an overview of your first literary essay.
Click HERE for an example.
Click HERE for a thesis worksheet to get you started.

3. Returning to your acting companies and preparing your performance and mini lesson for Act 3

a. Please follow the same steps for preparing your Act 3 performance as you did for your Act 1 performance (see handout for details).

b. A new challenge: Give us something specific to focus on as we watch your scene (a guiding question, repetition of a specific word, use of symbolic prop, etc).  When you finish your performance, give us one follow-up question that you relates to what you asked us to focus on.  In other words, you're providing us an analytical frame for your performance.

Focus: As you watch Hal's speech from Act 1, note his physical movements as he delivers his soliloquy.

Follow-up: How did his movements parallel the significant shifts in his speech?

1. Be ready to deliver your moving Act 3 performances tomorrow.

2. Compose your literary essay thesis tonight and e-mail it to me; see the timeline in the overview linked above for further essay dates.

2. If you choose to revise your college essay, you must do so by November 7.  Attach your new draft to the original one with my comments; highlight all changes on your new draft and type of brief explanation of what you changed and why.

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