Thursday, October 23, 2014

A.P. Literature and Shakespearenness: October 23, 3014

Focus: How do you explicate a speech/poem, and how will it help us understand Henry IV?

1. Warming up with small group discussions on yesterday's Act 2 questions

2. Learning how to explicate a speech with a few helpful tools (you'll need my website for this)

3. Explicating speeches from the Henry plays to gain a richer understanding of patterns

1. Please finish whatever speech explication steps you did not finish in class today; you need to be ready to share your work first thing tomorrow.

2. You have less than one week remaining to finish reading your independent reading novel. Remember that you're looking for one concrete motif to follow throughout the novel.  

3. If you choose to revise your college essay, you must do so by November 7.  Attach your new draft to the original one with my comments; highlight all changes on your new draft and type of brief explanation of what you changed and why.

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